
90 lines
3.0 KiB

[[ $c := merge .diagrams . -]]
job [[ .instance | toJSON ]] {
[[ template "common/job_start.tpl" $c ]]
group "diagrams" {
network {
mode = "bridge"
service {
name = "[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]]"
port = 8282
[[ template "common/connect.tpl" $c ]]
check {
type = "http"
path = "/health"
expose = true
interval = "1m"
timeout = "8s"
check_restart {
limit = 4
grace = "1m"
tags = [
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].enable=[[ $c.traefik.enabled ]]",
# Define a middleware to set custom CSP headers
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.middlewares.[[ .instance ]]-headers[[ .consul.suffix ]].headers.contentsecuritypolicy=[[ range $k, $v := $c.traefik.csp ]][[ $k ]] [[ $v ]];[[ end ]]",
[[- if not (regexp.Match "^/?$" (urlParse $c.public_url).Path) ]]
# Diagrams exposed by traefik on a subpath. Define a middleware to strip the prefix before passing the request to the backend
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.middlewares.[[ .instance ]]-prefix[[ .consul.suffix ]].stripprefix.prefixes=[[ (urlParse .diagrams.public_url).Path ]]",
[[- end ]]
# Main app router
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]].rule=Host(`[[ (urlParse $c.public_url).Hostname ]]`)
[[- if not (regexp.Match "^/?$" (urlParse $c.public_url).Path) ]] && PathPrefix(`[[ (urlParse $c.public_url).Path ]]`)[[ end ]]",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]].entrypoints=[[ join $c.traefik.entrypoints "," ]]",
[[- if not (regexp.Match "^/?$" (urlParse $c.public_url).Path) ]]
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]].middlewares=[[ .instance ]]-prefix[[ $c.consul.suffix ]],[[ .instance ]]-headers[[ .consul.suffix ]],[[ template "common/traefik_middlewares.tpl" $c.traefik ]]",
[[- else ]]
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]].middlewares=[[ .instance ]]-headers[[ .consul.suffix ]],[[ template "common/traefik_middlewares.tpl" $c.traefik ]]",
[[- end ]]
task "diagrams" {
driver = [[ $c.nomad.driver | toJSON ]]
config {
image = [[ $c.image | toJSON ]]
pids_limit = 200
readonly_rootfs = true
volumes = [
env {
JAVA_OPTS = "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/local"
template {
data =<<_EOT
[[ template "diagrams/PreConfig.js.tpl" $c ]]
destination = "local/PreConfig.js"
template {
data =<<_EOT
[[ template "diagrams/PostConfig.js.tpl" $c ]]
destination = "local/PostConfig.js"
[[ template "common/file_env.tpl" $c.env ]]
[[ template "common/resources.tpl" $c.resources ]]