--- # Name of this instance instance: elasticsearch # ES settings elasticsearch: # Vault policies (for the server and the exporter) vault: policies: - '[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]]' rand_secrets: fields: - elastic_pwd - es_bootstrap_pwd - exporter_pwd # ES server settings server: # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]][[ .docker.base_images.elasticsearch8.image ]]' # Number of instances count: 3 # Env var to set in the container env: JVM_XMX_RATIO: 0.4 # Vault PKI (mTLS between the different nodes vault: pki: path: '[[ .vault.root ]]pki/[[ .instance ]]' ou: Elasticsearch Cluster consul: meta: # Publish the node addr in the metadata of the service addr: 'es-${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}.[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]].service.[[ .consul.domain ]]' nomad: constraints: - operator: distinct_hosts value: true # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 300 memory: 2048 # Public URL (only used if exposed by Traefik) public_url: https://es.example.org # Should Traefik expose Elasticsearch API ? traefik: enabled: false middlewares: csp: false src-ip: ip-trusted@file # List of roles and users to create. Eg # roles: # my_role: # order-processor: # indices: # - names: # - order # - devices # privileges: # - all # # For users, the password attr is optional. If set, it can be a raw password (not recommended of course) # # a consul-template snippet (which can fetch secrets from vault), or omitted. If ommited, default is to fetch it from vault # # at kv/service/elasticsearch with the key _pwd # users: # order-dc1: # roles: # - order-processor # password: s3cr3t # order-dc2: # roles: # - order-processor # password: '{{ with secret "kv/service/order" }}{{ .Data.data.es_password }}{{ end }}' # # No password specified : it'll be fetched from vault at kv/service/elasticsearch under the key order_dc3_pwd # order-dc3: # roles: # - order-processor # roles: {} users: {} # Volumes for data persistence volumes: data: type: csi source: '[[ .instance ]]-data' per_alloc: true # Prometheus exporter settings exporter: # Version of the exporter version: 1.7.0 # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]elasticsearch-exporter:[[ .elasticsearch.exporter.version ]]-3' # Environment var to set in the container env: ES_USERNAME: exporter ES_PASSWORD: '{{ with secret "[[ .vault.root ]]kv/service/[[ .instance ]]" }}{{ .Data.data.exporter_pwd }}{{ end }}' vault: # Vault policies to attach to the task policies: - '[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]]' - metrics # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 50 memory: 64 # Prometheus settings prometheus: enabled: '[[ .prometheus.available ]]' # Metrics URL, as seen from inside the alloc metrics_url: docker: # Define base_images so we can easily build 7 and 8 variants of the image base_images: elasticsearch7: image: elasticsearch:[[ .docker.base_images.elasticsearch7.build_args.ES_VERSION ]]-1 build_args: ES_VERSION: 7.17.22 tags: - elasticsearch:7 - elasticsearch7:latest elasticsearch8: image: elasticsearch:[[ .docker.base_images.elasticsearch8.build_args.ES_VERSION ]]-1 build_args: ES_VERSION: 8.14.1 tags: - elasticsearch:8 - elasticsearch8:latest