--- # Name of this instance # Only usefull if you intent to run several instances on your cluster (in the same namespace) instance: kafka vault: # PKI settings pki: path: "[[ .vault.root ]]pki/kafka" ou: Kafka Cluster ([[ .instance ]]) kafka: broker: # Number of brokers to run count: 3 # Version of Kafka to use to build the image version: 3.7.0 # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]kafka-broker:[[ .kafka.broker.version ]]-4' # Custom env var to set in the container env: {} # Resource allocation for each broker resources: cpu: 100 memory: 1024 # Prometheus settings prometheus: enabled: '[[ .prometheus.available ]]' metrics_url: # You can set static ports for both client and broker port. If not set, ports will be allocated dynamicaly by Nomad # static_client_port: 9092 # static_broker_port: 9095 # Ensure all broker runs on distinct hosts nomad: constraints: - operator: distinct_hosts value: true # Consul settings consul: meta: # Push the name of the broker as a meta of the service broker: 'broker-${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}.[[ .instance ]]-broker[[ .consul.suffix ]].service.[[ .consul.domain ]]' # Service mesh connect: upstreams: # Default is to contact a zookeeper cluster through the mesh - destination_name: zookeeper[[ .consul.suffix ]] local_bind_port: 2181 # Vault settings vault: # Policies to attach to the task policies: - '[[ .instance ]]-broker[[ .consul.suffix ]]' # Wait for ZooKeeper to be available before starting brokers wait_for: - service: zookeeper[[ .consul.suffix ]] count: 2 # ZpooKeeper settings zookeeper: servers: - # path: /kafka user: "" password: "" # If set to false, ACL will be disabled use_acl: true # List of super user on this kafka cluster super_users: - '[[ .instance ]]-jikkou' # Kafka brokers settings settings: log.retention.hours: 168 compression.type: zstd zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms: 600 zookeeper.set.acl: true message.max.bytes: 1073741824 auto.create.topics.enable: false transactional.id.expiration.ms: 2147483647 offsets.retention.minutes: 13140 # Volumes for data persistence volumes: data: type: csi source: '[[ .instance ]]-broker-data' per_alloc: true # Jikkou can manage topics and ACL on your cluster jikkou: # Version of Jikkou to use when building the image version: 0.34.0 # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]jikkou:[[ .kafka.jikkou.version ]]-1' # Custom env var to set in the container env: {} # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 10 memory: 256 vault: # Vault policies to attach to the task policies: - '[[ .instance ]]-jikkou[[ .consul.suffix ]]' # Wait for a quorum of brokers to be ready before starting the exporter wait_for: - service: '[[ .instance ]]-broker[[ .consul.suffix ]]' count: '[[ .kafka.broker.count | mul 0.5 | add 1 | math.Floor ]]' # List of topics to create, as a YAML string. Eg # topics: | # --- # apiVersion: "core.jikkou.io/v1beta2" # kind: ConfigMap # metadata: # name: 'TopicDefaultConfig' # data: # min.insync.replicas: 2 # cleanup.policy: delete # compression.type: zstd # retention.ms: 604800000 # --- # apiVersion: kafka.jikkou.io/v1beta2 # kind: KafkaTopicList # items: # - metadata: # name: my_topic # spec: # partitions: 12 # replicas: 3 # configMapRefs: [ TopicDefaultConfig ] topics: "" # List of ACL, as a YAML string. Eg # acls: | # --- # apiVersion: kafka.jikkou.io/v1beta2 # kind: KafkaPrincipalRole # metadata: # name: foobar-consumer # spec: # acls: # - type: ALLOW # operations: [READ, DESCRIBE] # resource: # type: TOPIC # pattern: {{ $topic }} # patternType: LITERAL # host: '*' # - type: ALLOW # operations: [READ] # resource: # type: GROUP # pattern: {{ $topic }} # patternType: LITERAL # host: '*' acls: "" # Prometheus exporter exporter: # Version of the exporter to use when building the image version: 1.7.0 # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]kafka-exporter:[[ .kafka.exporter.version ]]-1' # Custom env var to set in the container env: {} # Wait for a quorum of brokers to be ready before starting the exporter wait_for: - service: '[[ .instance ]]-broker[[ .consul.suffix ]]' count: '[[ .kafka.broker.count | mul 0.5 | add 1 | math.Floor ]]' vault: # Vault policies to attach to the task policies: - '[[ .instance ]]-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]' - metrics[[ .consul.suffix ]] # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 10 memory: 50