job "[[ .instance ]]-exporters" { [[- $c := merge .monitoring.exporters . ]] [[ template "common/job_start" $c ]] # Run exporters. Use a separated job so exporters can run in a distinct node_pool group "exporters" { count = [[ $c.count ]] network { mode = "bridge" port "ping" {} port "blackbox" {} port "consul" {} port "cluster" {} } service { name = "ping-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" port = "ping" meta { alloc = "${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}" metrics-port = "${NOMAD_HOST_PORT_ping}" } } service { name = "blackbox-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" port = "blackbox" meta { alloc = "${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}" } } service { name = "consul-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" port = "ping" meta { alloc = "${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}" metrics-port = "${NOMAD_HOST_PORT_consul}" } } service { name = "cluster-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" port = "cluster" meta { alloc = "${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}" } } [[- if gt (len $ 0 ]] [[- $e := merge $ $c ]] # Ping exporter will collect ICMP ping stats and expose them # Note : we could do it with blackbox, but as pings require privileges, it's better to grant it # to a smaller, more focused container. This one only handle icmp pings check, and only from the configuration file task "ping-exporter" { driver = "[[ $e.nomad.driver ]]" config { image = "[[ $e.image ]]" readonly_rootfs = true pids_limit = 30 # Pings require privileges privileged = true userns_mode = "host" command = "ping_exporter" args = [ "--web.listen-address=", "--config.path=/local/config.yml" ] } [[ template "common/file_env" $e ]] template { data = <<_EOT [[ template "monitoring/ping_exporter/config.yml" $e ]] _EOT destination = "local/config.yml" } [[ template "common/resources" $e ]] } [[- end ]] [[- if or (gt (len $c.blackbox.tcp_probes) 0) (gt (len $c.blackbox.http_probes) 0) ]] [[- $e := merge $c.blackbox $c ]] # Blackbox exporter will probe http/tcp targets and expose them # for prometheus task "blackbox-exporter" { driver = "[[ $e.nomad.driver ]]" config { image = "[[ $e.image ]]" readonly_rootfs = true pids_limit = 30 } [[ template "common/file_env" $e ]] [[ template "common/resources" $e ]] } [[- end ]] # Export consul services status to prometheus task "consul-exporter" { [[- $e := merge $c.consul $c ]] driver = "[[ $e.nomad.driver ]]" config { image = "[[ $e.image ]]" readonly_rootfs = true pids_limit = 30 command = "/local/consul-exporter" } [[ template "common/file_env" $e ]] [[ template "common/vault.policies" $e ]] template { data = <<_EOT [[ template "monitoring/consul-exporter/" $e ]] _EOT destination = "local/consul-exporter" perms = 755 } template { data = <<_EOT CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN={{ with secret "consul/creds/consul-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" }}{{ .Data.token }}{{ end }} _EOT destination = "secrets/.consul.env" uid = 100000 gid = 100000 perms = 400 env = true } [[ template "common/resources" $e ]] } # The cluster metrics exposes prometheus metrics from the various nodes of the cluster # Nomad, Consul and Vault # It also exposes the other exporters metrics with mTLS task "cluster-metrics-proxy" { [[- $e := merge $c.cluster $c ]] driver = "[[ $e.nomad.driver ]]" user = 8685 lifecycle { hook = "poststart" sidecar = true } config { image = "[[ $e.image ]]" readonly_rootfs = true pids_limit = 30 # Mount the config in nginx conf dir volumes = [ "secrets/metrics.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf" ] [[ template "common/tmpfs" "/tmp" ]] } [[ template "common/vault.policies" $e ]] # This is the main nginx configuration, which will proxypass requests to the real metrics endpoints template { data =<<_EOT [[ template "monitoring/cluster-exporter/nginx.conf" $e ]] _EOT destination = "secrets/metrics.conf" perms = "0440" uid = 108685 gid = 100000 change_mode = "signal" change_signal = "SIGHUP" } # Get certificate to add mTLS to metrics endpoints template { data =<<_EOT {{- with pkiCert "[[ .prometheus.vault_pki ]]/issue/metrics" (printf "ip_sans=%s" (env "NOMAD_HOST_IP_cluster")) }} {{ .Cert }} {{ .Key }} {{- end }} _EOT destination = "secrets/metrics.bundle.pem" change_mode = "signal" change_signal = "SIGHUP" } # Get the CA for the monitoring PKI template { data =<<_EOT {{ with secret "[[ .vault.root ]]pki/monitoring/cert/ca_chain" }}{{ .Data.ca_chain }}{{ end }} _EOT destination = "local/" } # Get a Nomad client certificate template { data = <<_EOT {{- with pkiCert "pki/nomad/issue/cluster-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" "common_name=metrics-proxy.nomad.[[ .consul.domain ]]" "ttl=24h" }} {{ .Data.Cert }} {{ .Data.Key }} {{- end }} _EOT destination = "secrets/nomad_client_bundle.pem" perms = "0400" uid = 108685 gid = 100000 change_mode = "signal" change_signal = "SIGHUP" } # The CA chain for Nomad template { data = <<_EOT {{ with secret "pki/nomad/cert/ca_chain" }}{{ .Data.ca_chain }}{{ end }} _EOT destination = "local/nomad_ca.crt" } # Same for Consul template { data = <<_EOT {{- with pkiCert "pki/consul/issue/cluster-exporter[[ .consul.suffix ]]" "common_name=metrics-proxy.consul.[[ .consul.domain ]]" "ttl=24h" }} {{ .Data.Cert }} {{ .Data.Key }} {{- end }} _EOT destination = "secrets/consul_client_bundle.pem" perms = "0400" uid = 108685 gid = 100000 change_mode = "signal" change_signal = "SIGHUP" } template { data = <<_EOT {{ with secret "pki/consul/cert/ca_chain" }}{{ .Data.ca_chain }}{{ end }} _EOT destination = "local/consul_ca.crt" } [[ template "common/resources" $e ]] } } }