
43 lines
1.4 KiB

def nest_service_params:
# Select all objects with keys that start with the the name 'Service'
# Remove 'Service' prefix from key names
with_entries(select(.key | startswith("Service")) | .key = (.key | sub("^Service"; "")))
def create_svc_txn:
# Select our own instance
select(.ServiceTags[] | contains($mytag))
# Add needed tags, remove unwanted ones
| .ServiceTags -= ["master"]
| .ServiceTags -= ["replica"]
| .ServiceTags -= ["uninitialized"]
| .ServiceTags -= ["[[ .traefik.instance ]].enable=true"]
| .ServiceTags += [$role]
[[- if .traefik.enabled ]]
| if $role == "master" then .ServiceTags += ["[[ .traefik.instance ]].enable=true"] else .ServiceTags -= ["[[ .traefik.instance ]].enable=true"] end
[[- end ]]
# Rename 'ServiceName' to 'ServiceService'
# Will be transformed to 'Service.Service later'
| . + {ServiceService: .ServiceName}
| del(.ServiceName)
| nest_service_params as $nested_params
# Create transaction to update services using check-and-set option.
# If service has been modified since our last read, or no longer exists, the
# transaction will fail.
| {
Service: {
Verb: "cas",
Node: .Node,
# Nest service-related parameters under 'Service' key
# Add ModfyIndex key
Service: ($nested_params + {ModifyIndex: .ModifyIndex})
. | map(create_svc_txn)