
75 lines
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job "postgres-upgrade" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
region = "global"
priority = 80
type = "batch"
meta {
# Force job to be different for each execution
run_uuid = "${uuidv4()}"
# Postgres upgrader not explicitely enabled
# Add a constraint to ensure it can't run
constraint {
attribute = "${}"
value = "nonexistant"
group "upgrade" {
volume "backup" {
source = "postgres-backup"
type = "csi"
access_mode = "multi-node-multi-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
volume "data" {
source = "postgres-data"
type = "csi"
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
per_alloc = true
network {
mode = "bridge"
task "upgrade" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "danielberteaud/postgres-major-upgrade:latest"
force_pull = true
readonly_rootfs = true
env {
PG_FROM = ""
PG_TO = ""
PG_INITDB_OPTS = "--data-checksum --encoding UTF-8 "
PG_UPGRADE_OPTS = "--new-options=-c --clone "
DO_PG_UPGRADE = "false"
volume_mount {
volume = "data"
destination = "/data"
resources {
cpu = 1000
memory = 1024