#!/usr/bin/perl # backuppcfs - a fuse module to access backuppc backups through the filesystem. # Copyright (C) 2009 Pieter Wuille # Based on the backuppc-fuse script by Stephen Day # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Changelog: # - 2017 Jun 17: updated for 4.x; added mtimes to backup directories; # added support for getxattr and listxattr (Craig Barratt) # - 2009 Nov 10: default_permissions on by default # - 2009 Jun 10: LRU cache to limit number of cached nodes # - 2009 Jun 09: Correction of absolute symlinks # - 2009 Jun 05: Errors propagate forced re-reads upwards # - 2009 Jun 05: Support for type!=mode, hardlinks, empty files # - 2009 Jun 03: Full directory merging (for share-directories) # - 2009 Jun 02: Initial version # Changes w.r.t. Stephen Day's version: # - cached tree - huge speedup # - support for character/blockdevices # - correct linkcounts for directories # - support for /'s in sharenames # - daemonization # - stateful open()'s to prevent seeking for every read # - correct merged view for incremental backups # - latest/oldest link in hosts to latest/oldest archive # - getopt for somewhat more configurability # - support for empty files # - support for xfermethods that don't set filetype bits in mode, like tar # - support for hardlinks (linkcount=1, however) # TODO: # - testing! # - error output/logging # - escaping of dangerous characters in host/sharenames # - fsstats # - mtime of root/hosts/links # - forced uid/perms/umask of virtual dirs/all dirs # - uid mapping # - common getattr generation - a lot seems shared # - mtime for virtual dirs (eg. most recent backup) # - some way of finding the last/first backup before/after a given date/time? use strict; use Fuse; use Fcntl ':mode'; use POSIX qw/EROFS EOPNOTSUPP ENOENT EINVAL setsid strftime/; use Getopt::Long qw(:config permute bundling); require Carp; use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::XS qw( :all ); use BackupPC::DirOps; use BackupPC::View; my $TTL_ROOT = 80000; # don't expect new hosts within a day my $TTL_HOST = 40000; # don't expect new archives within half a day my $TTL_ARCHIVE = 1000000; # +- infinite timeout for archives/shares my $TTL_SHARE = 1000000; # as as long as they exist, their content my $TTL_REST = 1000000; # does not change my $BLKSIZE = 512; # reasonable number - is it used for anything? my $DEFDEV = 0; my $DEFINODE = 1; my $DEFUID = $<; # your uid my ($DEFGID) = split(/ /,$(); # your gid my $DEFPERM = 0755; # u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx (for directories) my $CORLINKS = 0; # modify absolute symlinks to point to the archive root my $MOUNTPOINT = undef; my $MAXCACHE = 2048; #my $CONF_REALINODES = 1; ################################# ########### LRU lib ############# ################################# # an LRU (least recently used) datastructure: # a circular double-linked list, with one # marker node (which initially refers to itself) # the data of the marker node is a hash reference # that maps data elements to the lru nodes containing them # each node is [$prevRef,$data,$nextRef], while the # marker node is [$lastRef,$hash,$firstRef] # create a new lru data structure sub lru_create { my $x=[undef,{},undef]; $x->[0]=$x; $x->[2]=$x; return $x; } # delete an entry from an lru sub lru_delete { my ($lru,$data) = @_; my $x = $lru->[1]; if (exists $x->{$data}) { my $n = $x->{$data}; my $prev = $n->[0]; my $next = $n->[2]; $prev->[2] = $next; $next->[0] = $prev; @{$n} = (); delete $x->{$data}; } } # move an entry to the end of the structure, creating it if necessary sub lru_access { my ($lru,$data) = @_; my $x = $lru->[1]; my $n; my $last; if (defined $x->{$data}) { $n = $x->{$data}; # find existing node my $prev = $n->[0]; # find its predecessor/successor my $next = $n->[2]; $prev->[2] = $next; # make them point to eachother $next->[0] = $prev; $last = $lru->[0]; $n->[0] = $last; # make the reused node know its new predecessor/successor $n->[2] = $lru; } else { $last = $lru->[0]; $n = [$last,$data,$lru]; # create new node $x->{$data} = $n; # add it to the hashtable } $last->[2] = $n; # insert the entry itself $lru->[0] = $n; } # destroy a complete lru structure sub lru_destroy { my ($lru) = @_; my $x = $lru; while (defined $x->[2]) { my $nx = $x->[2]; undef @{$x}; $x = $nx; } } # retrieve the element least recently lru_access'ed sub lru_lru { my ($lru) = @_; my $x = $lru->[2]; return undef if ($x == $lru); return $x->[1]; } # calculate the size of the lru sub lru_size { my ($lru) = @_; return (0+(keys %{$lru->[1]})); } ################################# ########## cache lib ############ ################################# # a cached array is represented as an array reference containing: # - a function reference to call when the data has expired # - a scalar to pass to the function # - a ttl value (in seconds) # - an expiration time (seconds sinds epoch when current value expires, -1 if certainly/already expired) # - ref to the cached array # if a cache has subentries, these must be the values of a hash, referenced by the first value returned my $cachelru = lru_create(); my %cachefn; # create a cached value (function ref,data,ttl) sub cache_create { my ($fn,$data,$ttl) = @_; my @ret = ($fn,$data,$ttl,-1,undef); return \@ret; } sub cache_evict { my ($cache) = @_; if (defined $cache->[2] && defined $cache->[4]) { lru_delete($cachelru,$cache); } if (defined $cache->[4]) { my $d = $cache->[4]; if (defined $d->[0]) { foreach my $x (values %{$d->[0]}) { cache_evict($x); } } } } sub cache_purge { while (lru_size($cachelru) > $MAXCACHE) { my $old = lru_lru($cachelru); cache_evict($old); $old->[3] = -1; $old->[4] = undef; } } # read data from cache (refreshing it if necessary) sub cache_read { my ($cache,$force) = @_; cache_purge; my $nt = time; if (defined($cache->[2]) && (defined($force) || ($cache->[3] < $nt))) { cache_evict($cache); my @ret; @ret = $cachefn{$cache->[0]}->($cache->[1]); $cache->[4] = \@ret; $cache->[3] = $nt+$cache->[2]; } lru_access($cachelru,$cache) if (defined($cache->[2])); return (@{$cache->[4]}); } # create a cached object that returns a constant array sub cache_const { my @val = @_; my @ret = (undef,undef,undef,undef,\@val); return \@ret; } ################################# ######## tree functions ######### ################################# # the filesystem is internally represented by a (cached, see above) tree # each node is a cached array containing these elements: # - ref to hash containing [filename -> cached array] mappings # - attributes (corresponding to getinfo) # - backuppc attributes object # - actual data (currently: link data for symlinks) # reuse the same backuppc Lib object my $bpc; sub bpc { if (!defined $bpc) { $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new(undef,undef,"",1); } return $bpc; } # a cache refresher that builds on top of another (directory) node, and adds some static subentries to it sub fs_dirmerge { my ($data) = @_; my ($type,$sdata,$ndir,$ent) = @{$data}; # nodetype name, data for node, number of added subentries that are dirs, hashref of subentries my ($sub,$attr,$a) = $cachefn{$type}->($sdata); return undef if (!defined $attr); if (S_ISDIR($attr->[2])) { my %nsub = %{$sub}; my @nattr = @{$attr}; foreach my $k (keys %{$ent}) { if (exists $nsub{$k}) { # a collision occurred my ($s1sub,$s1attr,$s1a) = cache_read($ent->{$k}); # check whether entry to add is a directory if (S_ISDIR($s1attr->[2])) { my ($s2sub,$s2attr,$s2a) = cache_read($nsub{$k}); # check whether entry in original dir is a directory if (S_ISDIR($s2attr->[2])) { # if so, substitute it with a new merge node $nsub{$k} = cache_create('dirmerge',[$nsub{$k}->[0],$nsub{$k}->[1],$s1attr->[3]-2,$s1sub],$nsub{$k}->[2]); next; } } if (!exists $nsub{$k.'_'}) { # try adding '_' otherwise $nsub{$k.'_'} = $ent->{$k}; next; } my $i=1; $i++ while (exists $nsub{$k.'_'.$i}); # try adding subsequent '_' otherwise $nsub{$k.'_'.$i} = $ent->{$k}; } else { $nsub{$k} = $ent->{$k}; } } $nattr[3] += $ndir; return (\%nsub,\@nattr,$a); } else { Carp::croak "Unable to add subentries to a non-directory" } } # the root cache refresher, no arguments sub fs_root { my $bpc=bpc(); return undef if (!defined $bpc); my $hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead(); return undef if (!defined $hosts); my %hlist = map { ($_,cache_create('host',$_,$TTL_HOST)) } (keys %{$hosts}); return (\%hlist,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFDIR | $DEFPERM,2 + keys %hlist,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,1024,0,0,0,$BLKSIZE,2],undef); } sub fmtTime { my ($ut) = @_; return (strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $ut); } # the host cache refresher, arguments (host) sub fs_host { my ($host) = @_; my @archives = (bpc()->BackupInfoRead($host)); return undef if ($#archives<0); my $lnum = undef; my $onum = undef; my $lnumMtime = time; my $onumMtime = time; my $view = BackupPC::View->new(bpc(), $host, \@archives); return undef if (!defined $view); my %alist = map { if (!defined($lnum) || $_->{num}>$lnum) { $lnum = $_->{num}; $lnumMtime = $_->{startTime}; } if (!defined($onum) || $_->{num}<$onum) { $onum = $_->{num}; $onumMtime = $_->{startTime}; } ( $_->{num},cache_create('archive',[$_,$view],$TTL_ARCHIVE), fmtTime($_->{startTime}),cache_const(undef,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFLNK | $DEFPERM,1,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,length($_->{num}),$_->{startTime},$_->{startTime},$_->{startTime},$BLKSIZE,0],undef,$_->{num}) ) } (@archives); $alist{latest} = cache_const(undef,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFLNK | $DEFPERM,1,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,length($lnum),$lnumMtime,$lnumMtime,$lnumMtime,$BLKSIZE,0],undef,"$lnum") if (defined($lnum)); $alist{oldest} = cache_const(undef,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFLNK | $DEFPERM,1,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,length($onum),$onumMtime,$onumMtime,$onumMtime,$BLKSIZE,0],undef,"$onum") if (defined($onum)); return (\%alist,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFDIR | $DEFPERM,2 + @archives,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,1024,0,0,0,$BLKSIZE,2],undef); } # recursive helper function to build a tree containing all shares sub buildtree { my ($node,$view,$archive) = @_; my %sub; # hash for all subdirectories foreach my $se (keys %{$node}) { $sub{$se} = buildtree($node->{$se},$view,$archive) if ($se ne ''); } if (exists $node->{''}) { my $se = [$view,$archive,$node->{''},undef,'']; return cache_create('dirmerge',['share',$se,0+(keys %sub),\%sub],$TTL_SHARE) if ((keys %sub)>0); # both a share and virtual sharename-dirs return cache_create('share',$se,$TTL_SHARE); # only a real share } else { # only a virtual sharename dir my $archivetime = $archive->{startTime}; return cache_const(\%sub,[$DEFDEV,$DEFINODE,S_IFDIR | $DEFPERM,2 + keys %sub,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,1024,$archivetime,$archivetime,$archivetime,$BLKSIZE,2],undef); } } # the archive cache refresher, arguments [archiveref,view] sub fs_archive { my ($data) = @_; my ($archive,$view) = @{$data}; my $archivenum = $archive->{num}; my @shares = $view->shareList($archivenum); return undef if ($#shares<0); my %tree; # abstract tree - each node can have some name->subnode mappings for subdirs, and/or a '' entry referring to a share foreach my $share (@shares) { # loop over all shares my @path = grep { $_ ne '' && $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } (split(/[\\\/]+/,$share)); # split them in pieces (both / and \ seen as separators) my $node = \%tree; # start at the root - node is a hashref to the current treenode while ($#path >= 0) { # while there are path components left my $ent = shift @path; # get a component $node->{$ent}={} if (!exists $node->{$ent}); # create empty subnode if it doesn't exist yet $node = $node->{$ent}; # travel down } $node->{''} = $share; # finally make the reached leaf node point to the share (full, original share name) } return cache_read(buildtree(\%tree,$view,$archive)); # now call helper funtion to turn it into a tree of cached arrays and evaluate it } # mapping from backuppc file types to stat() file type modes my %iftype = ( BPC_FTYPE_FILE, S_IFREG, BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK, S_IFLNK, BPC_FTYPE_SYMLINK, S_IFLNK, BPC_FTYPE_CHARDEV, S_IFCHR, BPC_FTYPE_BLOCKDEV, S_IFBLK, BPC_FTYPE_DIR, S_IFDIR, BPC_FTYPE_FIFO, S_IFIFO, BPC_FTYPE_SOCKET, S_IFSOCK, BPC_FTYPE_UNKNOWN, 0, BPC_FTYPE_DELETED, 0 ); # the share/backupdata cache refresher, arguments [view,archive,share,fileattr,path] sub fs_share { my ($data) = @_; my ($view,$archive,$share,$a,$path) = @{$data}; my $archivenum = $archive->{num}; my $ino = $DEFINODE; my $dev = $DEFDEV; # if (defined($a) && $CONF_REALINODES) { # ($dev,$ino) = stat($a->{fullPath}); # } if (!defined($a) || $a->{type}==BPC_FTYPE_DIR) { # directory (root dir which has no $a, or subdir which does) my $nattr = $view->dirAttrib($archivenum,$share,$path); # get attributes/list of directory entries return undef if (!defined $nattr); my $sdirs = 0; # number of subdirectories my %sub = map { my $key=$_; my $val = $nattr->{$key}; $sdirs++ if ($val->{type}==BPC_FTYPE_DIR); # count subdirs ($key,cache_create('share',[$view,$archive,$share,$val,$path.'/'.$key],$TTL_REST)) } (keys %{$nattr}); if (!defined($a)) { # root of share my $archivetime = $archive->{startTime}; return (\%sub,[$dev,$ino,S_IFDIR | $DEFPERM,2 + $sdirs,$DEFUID,$DEFGID,0,1024,$archivetime,$archivetime,$archivetime,$BLKSIZE,2],undef); } else { # subdir in share my $mtime = $a->{mtime}; my $size = $a->{size}; $ino = $a->{inode}; my $blocks = int ( $size / 512 ); if ($size==0) { # some xfermethods don't store a meaningful size for directories $size = 1024; $blocks = 2; } return (\%sub,[$dev,$ino,S_IFDIR | ($a->{mode} & ~S_IFMT),2 + $sdirs,$a->{uid},$a->{gid},0,$size,$mtime,$mtime,$mtime,$BLKSIZE,$blocks],$a); } } else { # non-directory my $mtime = $a->{mtime}; my $size = $a->{size}; my $blocks = int ( $size / 512 ); my $rdev = 0; my $nlinks = $a->{nlinks} > 0 ? $a->{nlinks} : 1; my $fdata; my $mode = ($a->{mode} & (~S_IFMT)) | $iftype{$a->{type}}; $ino = $a->{inode}; if (S_ISLNK($mode) || S_ISCHR($mode) || S_ISBLK($mode)) { # link, character or block device: read real backup data my $f = BackupPC::XS::FileZIO::open($a->{fullPath}, 0, $a->{compress}); return undef if (!defined $f); $f->read(\$fdata,65536); $f->close; } if ((S_ISCHR($mode) || S_ISBLK($mode)) && $fdata =~ /(\d+),(\d+)/) { $rdev = $1*256 + $2; } if ($a->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK) { my $sa = $view->fileAttrib($archivenum,$share,'/'.$fdata); return undef if (!defined $sa); return fs_share([$view,$archive,$share,$sa,$fdata]); } if ($a->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_SYMLINK) { if ($CORLINKS && ((substr $fdata,0,1) eq '/')) { $fdata = $MOUNTPOINT . '/' . $view->{host} . '/' . $archivenum . '/' . $fdata; } } return (undef,[$dev,$ino,$mode,$nlinks,$a->{uid},$a->{gid},$rdev,$size,$mtime,$mtime,$mtime,$BLKSIZE,$blocks],$a,$fdata); } } my $root = cache_create('root',undef,$TTL_ROOT); %cachefn = ( root => \&fs_root, host => \&fs_host, archive => \&fs_archive, share => \&fs_share, dirmerge => \&fs_dirmerge, ); # lookup a node in the tree sub get_data { my ($path) = @_; my @path = grep { $_ ne '' && $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } (split(/\/+/,$path)); my $done=""; my $node = $root; foreach my $ent (@path) { my ($sub,$attr) = (cache_read($node)); if (!defined $attr) { # entry itself doesn't seem te exist - cache tree is wrong prop_failure($done); return undef; } ($sub)=(cache_read($node,1)) if (!defined $sub || !defined $sub->{$ent}); # requested subnode does not seem te exist - force re-read return undef if (!defined $sub || !defined $sub->{$ent}); # it really doesn't exist $done .= '/'.$ent; $node = $sub->{$ent}; } return cache_read($node); } # called when a particular path doesn't seem to exist anymore - forces re-evaluations until # it finds what caused the failure sub prop_failure { my ($path) = @_; my @path = grep { $_ ne '' && $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } (split(/\/+/,$path)); # path components my @node = ($root); # subsequent nodes in the (currently cached) tree my @ent = (); # entries we'd like to exist while (@path) { my $ent = shift @path; push @ent,$ent; my ($sub,$attr) = (cache_read($node[$#node])); last if (!defined $attr); return if (!defined $sub); return if (!exists $sub->{$ent}); last if (!@path); push @node,$sub->{$ent}; } while (@node) { my $node = pop @node; my $ent = pop @ent; my ($sub,$attr) = (cache_read($node,1)); last if (!defined $ent || (defined $attr && (!defined $sub || !exists $sub->{$ent}))); } } ################################# ######## Fuse functions ######### ################################# sub bpc_getattr { my ($path) = @_; my ($sub,$attr) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $attr); return (@{$attr}); } sub bpc_readlink { my ($path) = @_; my ($sub,$attr,$a,$fd) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $attr); return -EINVAL() if (!defined $fd); return $fd; } sub bpc_getdir { my ($path) = @_; my ($sub) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $sub); my @list = keys %{$sub}; return ( '.', '..', @list, 0 ); } sub bpc_rwop { return -EROFS(); } sub bpc_unsupp { return -EOPNOTSUPP(); } my %files; # pathname -> [(zio,pos)] # zio==undef means file is empty sub bpc_open { my ($path,$mode) = @_; my ($sub,$attr,$a) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $attr); my $zio; if ($attr->[7]!=0) { # non-empty file $zio = BackupPC::XS::FileZIO::open($a->{fullPath}, 0, $a->{compress}); # create zio object if (!defined $zio) { my $err = 0-$!; prop_failure($path); return $err; } } push @{$files{$path}},[$zio,0]; # add the zio (which now has position 0) to the list of zio's for the requested file return 0; } sub bpc_release { my ($path,$mode) = @_; my $lastpos=-1; my $lasti=undef; my $lst = $files{$path}; # find zio with highest pos foreach my $i (0..$#{$lst}) { my $ent = $lst->[$i]; my ($zio,$pos) = @{$ent}; if ($pos>$lastpos) { $lastpos = $pos; $lasti = $i; } } if (!defined $lasti) { # fail miserably when nothing found - this means a fuse 'release' call happened without corresponding 'open' call Carp::croak "Closing unopened file '$path'"; } my ($zio) = @{$lst->[$lasti]}; # retrieve that 'best' zio $zio->close() if (defined $zio); # close it if ($#{$lst}==0) { # remove it from the hash delete $files{$path}; } else { splice @{$files{$path}},$lasti,1; } } sub bpc_read { my ($path,$size,$offset) = @_; my $bestpos=-1; my $besti=undef; my $lst = $files{$path}; # find zio with highest pos - if possible highest pos <= offset, otherwise highest pos whatsoever foreach my $i (0..$#{$lst}) { my $ent = $lst->[$i]; my ($zio,$pos) = @{$ent}; if (($pos<=$offset && ($pos>$bestpos || $bestpos>$offset)) || ($pos>$offset && $pos>$bestpos && ($bestpos>$offset || $bestpos<0))) { $bestpos = $pos; $besti = $i; } } if (!defined $besti) { # fail miserable when nothing was found - it means fuse requested a read from an unopened file Carp::croak "Reading from unopened file '$path'"; } my ($zio,$pos) = @{$lst->[$besti]}; # retrieve zio object and its file position return '' if (!defined $zio); if ($pos>$offset) { $zio->rewind; # rewind the zio object if it already passed the requested start position for the read $pos=0; } my $data; while ($pos<$offset) { # as long a there is unrequested data left, seek my $do = $offset-$pos; $do=65536 if ($do>65536); my $ret = $zio->read(\$data,$do); if ($ret<=0) { # upon eof, return nothing; upon error, return failure $lst->[$besti]->[1]=$pos; if ($ret<0) { my $err = 0 - $!; prop_failure($path); return $ret; } return ''; } $pos += $ret; } my $ret = $zio->read(\$data,$size); # do the actual read request if ($ret<=0) { # upon eof, return nothing, upon error, return failure $lst->[$besti]->[1]=$pos; if ($ret<0) { my $err = 0 - $!; prop_failure($path); return $ret; } return ''; } $pos += $ret; # update position $lst->[$besti]->[1]=$pos; # update position in hash return $data; # return data } sub bpc_statfs { return 0; } sub bpc_flush { return 0; } sub bpc_fsync { return 0; } sub bpc_listxattr { my ($path) = @_; my ($sub,$attr, $a) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $a); return (0) if ( !defined($a->{xattr}) ); return (sort(keys(%{$a->{xattr}})), 0); } sub bpc_getxattr { my ($path,$param) = @_; my ($sub,$attr, $a) = get_data($path); return -ENOENT() if (!defined $a); return 0 if ( !defined($a->{xattr}) ); return $a->{xattr}{$param}; } ################################# ############# Main ############## ################################# my $showhelp = 0; my $foreground = 0; my %fuseopts = ('default_permissions'); my $ok = GetOptions( 'foreground|f!' => \$foreground, 'uid|u=i' => sub { $DEFUID = $_[1]; die "uid out of range: $_[1]" if ($DEFUID<0 || $DEFUID>65535) }, 'gid|g=i' => sub { $DEFGID = $_[1]; die "gid out of range: $_[1]" if ($DEFGID<0 || $DEFGID>65535) }, 'user|U=s' => sub { $DEFUID = getpwnam($_[1]); die "unknown user '$_[1]'" if (!defined $DEFUID) }, 'group|G=s' => sub { $DEFGID = getgrnam($_[1]); die "unknown group '$_[1]'" if (!defined $DEFGID) }, 'mode|m=o' => sub { $DEFPERM = $_[1]; die "mode out of range: $_[1]" if ($DEFPERM<0 || $DEFPERM>32767) }, 'cache|c=i' => sub { $MAXCACHE = $_[1]; die "cache out of range: $_[1]" if ($MAXCACHE<32 || $MAXCACHE>1048576) }, 'correct-links|l!' => \$CORLINKS, 'help|h|?' => \$showhelp, 'o=s' => sub { foreach my $opt (split /,+/,$_[1]) { if (substr($opt,0,3) eq 'no_') { delete $fuseopts{lc $opt} } else { $fuseopts{lc $opt}=1; } } }, ); if ($ok && !$showhelp) { if ($#ARGV>=0) { $MOUNTPOINT = shift(@ARGV) if ($#ARGV>=0); } $ok = 0 if (!defined $MOUNTPOINT); } if ($ok && !$showhelp) { die "mountpoint '$MOUNTPOINT' if not valid" if (! -d $MOUNTPOINT); } if (!$ok || $showhelp) { print "Usage: $0 [options] mountpoint\n"; print "Example: $0 /mnt/fuse\n"; print " -> all backups will be read-only below /mnt/fuse\n"; print "\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " -u,--uid UID Use UID as owner of the mounted filesystem\n"; print " -U,--user USER Use USER as owner of the mounted filesystem\n"; print " -g,--gid GID Use GID as owner of the mounted filesystem\n"; print " -G,--group GROUP Use GROUP as owner of the mounted filesystem\n"; print " -m,--mode MODE Use MODE as permissions of the filesystem\n"; print " -h,--help Show this help text\n"; print " -f,--foreground Do not daemonize\n"; print " -l,--correct-links Correct absolute symlinks - mountpoint must be absolute\n"; print " -c,--cache SIZE Keep directory cache smaller than SIZE nodes\n"; print " -o OPT1[,OPT2[,...]] Fuse options\n"; print "\n"; print "FUSE options (may or may not work, depending on fuse version):\n"; print " -o allow_other allow access to other users\n"; print " -o nonempty allow mounts over non-empty file/dir\n"; print " -o no_default_permissions disable permission checking by kernel\n"; print " -o fsname=NAME set filesystem name\n"; print "\n"; print "By default you/your primary group are owners of the filesystem\n"; print "directories, using mode 0755 (owner rwx, others rx).\n"; print "Use 'fusermount -u mountpoint' to unmount.\n"; print "By daemonizing (default), no errors will be shown.\n"; exit (!$ok); } # daemonize sub daemonize { umask 0; open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; open STDERR, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; exit if $pid; setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; } daemonize if (!$foreground); # run fuse Fuse::main( mountopts => join(',',keys %fuseopts), mountpoint => $MOUNTPOINT, threaded => 0, debug => 0, # supported operations open=> \&bpc_open, release=> \&bpc_release, getattr=> \&bpc_getattr, readlink=> \&bpc_readlink, getdir=> \&bpc_getdir, read=> \&bpc_read, flush=> \&bpc_flush, statfs=> \&bpc_statfs, # not meaningful for read-only view write=> \&bpc_rwop, mknod=> \&bpc_rwop, mkdir=> \&bpc_rwop, unlink=> \&bpc_rwop, rmdir=> \&bpc_rwop, symlink=> \&bpc_rwop, rename=> \&bpc_rwop, link=> \&bpc_rwop, chmod=> \&bpc_rwop, chown=> \&bpc_rwop, truncate=> \&bpc_rwop, utime=> \&bpc_rwop, fsync=> \&bpc_fsync, # not supported setxattr=> \&bpc_unsupp, getxattr=> \&bpc_getxattr, listxattr=> \&bpc_listxattr, removexattr=> \&bpc_unsupp ); lru_destroy($cachelru);