# Discover VDO volumes # $1 not used for now UserParameter=vfs.vdo.discovery[*],/var/lib/zabbix/bin/disco_vdo_sudo --what=$1 # Type: Agent or Agent (active) # Key: vfs.vdo.vol[volume,item] where volume is the name of the volume to monitor # item can be one of the valid keys (run manually without --value arg to see available keys) UserParameter=vfs.vdo.vol[*],sudo /var/lib/zabbix/bin/check_vdo_sudo --volume=$1 --value=$2 # Type: Agent or Agent (active) # You can also get all the info about a vdo volume at once, in JSON UserParameter=vfs.vdo.vol.all[*],sudo /var/lib/zabbix/bin/check_vdo_sudo --volume=$1