#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Data::Dumper; umask 077; my $user = 'zabbix'; my $pass = 'secret'; my $site = 'default'; my $url = 'https://localhost:8443'; my $unifi; my $dev; my $station; my $net; my $wlan; my $pretty = 0; my $json = {}; my $site_id; GetOptions ( 'user=s' => \$user, 'password|p=s' => \$pass, 'site=s' => \$site, 'url=s' => \$url, 'unifi' => \$unifi, 'dev=s' => \$dev, 'station=s' => \$station, 'net=s' => \$net, 'wlan=s' => \$wlan, 'pretty' => \$pretty ); my @radio_proto = qw/a b g na ng ac/; my $resp; my $username = $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USER} || getpwuid($<); my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "/tmp/.unifi_$username.txt", autosave => 1, ignore_discard => 1 ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 }, cookie_jar => $cj ); # Check if we need to login $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/self/sites'); if ($resp->is_error){ # Log into the API $resp = $ua->post( $url . '/api/login', Content => to_json({ username => $user, password => $pass }), Content_Type => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' ); die "Login failed: " . $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error; $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/self/sites'); die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error; } # Now, we need to get the site ID foreach (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){ if ($_->{name} eq $site || $_->{desc} eq $site){ $site_id = $_->{_id}; # If site is referenced by description, translate it to name $site = $_->{name} if ($_->{name} ne $site); last; } } die "Site $site not found\n" unless ($site_id); # Global info about the instance of Unifi if ($unifi){ $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/health'); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){ if ($entry->{subsystem} eq 'wlan'){ $json->{wireless_clients} = $entry->{num_user}; $json->{wireless_guests} = $entry->{num_guest}; } elsif ($entry->{subsystem} eq 'lan'){ $json->{wired_clients} = $entry->{num_user}; $json->{wired_guests} = $entry->{num_guest}; } foreach (qw/adopted pending disabled/){ $json->{'dev_' . $_} += $entry->{'num_' . $_} if (defined $entry->{'num_' . $_}); } foreach (qw/num_ap num_sw num_gw/){ $json->{$_} += $entry->{$_} if ($entry->{$_}); } } $json->{$_} ||= 0 foreach (qw/wireless_clients wireless_guests wired_clients wired_guests dev_adopted dev_pending dev_disabled num_ap num_sw num_gw/); $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/sysinfo'); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; $json->{$_} = from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}->[0]->{$_} foreach (qw/version build update_available/); # Get unarchived alarms $resp = $ua->post($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/alarm', Content => to_json({ archived => 'false' }), Content_Type => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' ); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; $json->{alarm} = scalar @{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}; } elsif ($dev) { # Dev is identified by MAC $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/device/' . $dev); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; my $obj = from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}->[0]; foreach (qw/sys_stats locating serial name num_sta user-num_sta guest-num_sta inform_url version model state type cfgversion adopted avg_client_signal/){ $json->{$_} = $obj->{$_} if (defined $obj->{$_}); } foreach (qw/guest-rx_packets guest-tx_packets guest-rx_bytes guest-tx_bytes user-rx_packets user-tx_packets user-rx_bytes user-tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_errors tx_errors rx_dropped tx_dropped/){ $json->{net_stats}->{$_} = $obj->{stat}->{$_} if (defined $obj->{stat}->{$_}); } # Convert last seen into a relative time $json->{last_seen} = time - $obj->{last_seen}; # Add some more info in sys_stats $json->{sys_stats}->{$_} = $obj->{'system-stats'}->{$_} foreach (qw/cpu mem uptime/); # If this is an ap if ($obj->{type} eq 'uap'){ # Count the number of SSID served $json->{num_wlan} = scalar @{$obj->{radio_table}}; $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/sta'); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; foreach my $proto (@radio_proto){ $json->{$_ . $proto} = 0 foreach (qw/num_sta_ avg_rx_rate_ avg_tx_rate_/); } foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){ next if (not $entry->{ap_mac} or $entry->{ap_mac} ne $dev or $entry->{is_wired} == JSON::PP::true); foreach (@radio_proto){ if ($entry->{radio_proto} eq $_){ $json->{'num_sta_' . $_}++; $json->{'avg_rx_rate_' . $_} += $entry->{rx_rate}; $json->{'avg_tx_rate_' . $_} += $entry->{tx_rate}; } } $json->{$_} += $entry->{$_} foreach (qw/rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets/); $json->{'avg_' . $_} += $entry->{$_} foreach (qw/satisfaction tx_power signal noise/); } # Now lets compute average values $json->{'avg_' . $_} = ($json->{num_sta} == 0) ? undef : $json->{'avg_' . $_} / $json->{num_sta} foreach (qw/satisfaction tx_power signal noise/); foreach my $proto (@radio_proto){ $json->{'avg_' . $_ . '_rate_' . $proto} = ($json->{'num_sta_' . $proto} == 0) ? undef : $json->{'avg_' . $_ . '_rate_' . $proto} / $json->{'num_sta_' . $proto} foreach (qw/tx rx/); } } } elsif ($station) { # Client is identified by MAC $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/sta/' . $station); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; my $obj = from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}->[0]; my @client_base = qw/rx_packets tx_packets rx_bytes tx_bytes hostname last_seen ip authorized oui is_guest/; foreach (@client_base){ $json->{$_} = $obj->{$_} || 0; } # Convert last_seen to relative $json->{last_seen} = time - $json->{last_seen}; # For wireless stations, we gather some more info if ($obj->{is_wired} == JSON::PP::false){ my @client_wireless = qw/rx_rate tx_rate essid ap_mac tx_power radio_proto signal noise satisfaction/; foreach (@client_wireless){ $json->{$_} = $obj->{$_} || 0; } # We have the MAC of the AP, lets try to find the name of this AP $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/device/' . $json->{ap_mac}); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; $json->{ap} = from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}->[0]->{name}; } } elsif ($wlan) { # Wlan is identified by ID $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/rest/wlanconf/' . $wlan); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; my $obj = from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}->[0]; foreach (qw/name security mac_filter_policy vlan/){ $json->{$_} = $obj->{$_}; } # For boolean, we need to convert foreach (qw/enabled is_guest mac_filter_enabled vlan_enabled/){ $json->{$_} = (defined $obj->{$_} and $obj->{$_} == JSON::PP::true) ? 1 : 0; } # Now, we need to count stations for each SSID $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/sta'); die "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED\n" if $resp->is_error; # Set default values to 0 $json->{num_sta} = 0; $json->{'num_sta_' . $_} = 0 foreach (@radio_proto); $json->{$_} = 0 foreach (qw/rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets/); foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){ next if (not $entry->{essid} or $entry->{essid} ne $json->{name} or $entry->{is_wired} == JSON::PP::true); $json->{num_sta}++; foreach (@radio_proto){ if ($entry->{radio_proto} eq $_){ $json->{'num_sta_' . $_}++; $json->{'avg_rx_rate_' . $_} += $entry->{rx_rate}; $json->{'avg_tx_rate_' . $_} += $entry->{tx_rate}; } } $json->{$_} += $entry->{$_} foreach (qw/rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets/); $json->{'avg_' . $_} += $entry->{$_} foreach (qw/satisfaction tx_power signal noise/); } # Now lets compute average values $json->{'avg_' . $_} = ($json->{num_sta} == 0) ? undef : $json->{'avg_' . $_} / $json->{num_sta} foreach (qw/satisfaction tx_power signal noise/); foreach my $proto (@radio_proto){ $json->{'avg_' . $_ . '_rate_' . $proto} = ($json->{'num_sta_' . $proto} == 0) ? undef : $json->{'avg_' . $_ . '_rate_' . $proto} / $json->{'num_sta_' . $proto} foreach (qw/tx rx/); } } print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });