#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use PMG::DBTools; my $json = { count_in => 0, count_out => 0, bytes_in => 0, bytes_out => 0, spam_in => 0, spam_out => 0, virus_in => 0, virus_out => 0, ptime_in => 0, ptime_out => 0 }; my $pretty = 0; my ($domain,$what) = undef; my $timespan = 900; my $spamthres = 5; my $resp = undef; GetOptions( 'domain=s' => \$domain, 'what=s' => \$what, 'timespan=i' => \$timespan, 'spamthres=i' => \$spamthres, 'pretty' => \$pretty ); my $dbh = PMG::DBTools::open_ruledb; my $since = time - $timespan; my $query = "SELECT cstatistic.direction AS direction, cstatistic.bytes AS bytes, cstatistic.spamlevel AS spamlevel, " . "cstatistic.virusinfo AS virus, cstatistic.ptime AS ptime, cstatistic.sender AS sender, creceivers.receiver " . "AS receiver FROM cstatistic LEFT JOIN creceivers ON cstatistic.rid = creceivers.cstatistic_rid" . " WHERE time > ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($since); while (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){ if (not $res->{direction}){ next if (defined $domain and $res->{sender} !~ m/.*\@$domain$/); $json->{bytes_out} += $res->{bytes}; $json->{count_out} += 1; $json->{ptime_out} += $res->{ptime}; $json->{spam_out} += 1 if ($res->{spamlevel} ge $spamthres); $json->{virus_out} += 1 if (defined $res->{virus}); } else { next if (defined $domain and $res->{receiver} !~ /.*\@$domain$/); $json->{bytes_in} += $res->{bytes}; $json->{count_in} += 1; $json->{ptime_in} += $res->{ptime}; $json->{spam_in} += 1 if ($res->{spamlevel} ge $spamthres); $json->{virus_in} += 1 if (defined $res->{virus}); } } # Init to 0 if missing $json->{$_} //= 0 foreach (qw/bytes_out count_out ptime_out spam_out virus_out bytes_in count_in ptime_in spam_in virus_in/); # Compute averages $json->{ptime_in} = $json->{ptime_in} / $json->{count_in} / 1000 if ($json->{count_in} > 0); $json->{ptime_out} = $json->{ptime_out} / $json->{count_out} / 1000 if ($json->{count_out} > 0); # Now, only for general stats, count early rejects if (not defined $domain){ $query = "SELECT SUM(rblcount) AS rbl, SUM(pregreetcount) AS pregreet FROM localstat WHERE mtime > ?"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($since); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $json->{$_} = $res->{$_} foreach (qw/rbl pregreet/); } $json->{$_} //= 0 foreach (qw/rbl pregreet/); if (defined $what and not defined $json->{$what}){ print 'ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED'; exit 0; } elsif (defined $what){ $resp = $json->{$what} } else { $resp = $json; } $resp = (ref $resp eq 'HASH' or ref $resp eq 'ARRAY') ? to_json($resp, { pretty => $pretty }) : $resp; print $resp . "\n";