#!/usr/bin/perl use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib"; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::CGI::Lib; use POSIX; use JSON; use Getopt::Long; my $hosts = 1; my $entities = 0; my $pretty = 0; GetOptions( "hosts" => \$hosts, "entities" => \$entities, "pretty" => \$pretty ); # We need to switch to backuppc UID/GID my $uid = getuid(); my $gid = getgid(); my (undef,undef,$bkpuid,$bkpgid) = getpwnam('backuppc'); setuid($bkpuid) if ($uid ne $bkpuid); setgid($bkpgid) if ($gid ne $bkpgid); my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new(); my $hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead(); my $mainConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead(); my $json; @{$json->{data}} = (); if ($entities) { my %entities = (); foreach my $host ( keys %$hosts ){ if ( $host =~ m/^(?:vm_)?([^_]+)_.*/ and $1 ne 'vm' ) { $entities{$1}= 1; } } push @{$json->{data}}, { '{#BPC_ENTITY}' => $_ } foreach ( keys %entities ); } elsif ($hosts){ foreach my $host ( keys %$hosts ){ my $hostConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead($host); my $conf = { %$mainConf, %$hostConf }; my $warning = $conf->{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays}; my $errors = ( defined $conf->{MaxXferError} ) ? $conf->{MaxXferError} : '0'; my $monitoring = $conf->{ZabbixMonitoring} || 1; my $sizeTooBigFactor = $conf->{ZabbixSizeTooBigFactor} || 6; my $sizeTooSmallFactor = $conf->{ZabbixSizeTooSmallFactor} || 3; my $status = ( $conf->{BackupsDisable} gt 0 or $monitoring eq '0' ) ? '0' : '1'; push @{$json->{data}}, { "{#BPCHOST}" => $host, "{#BPCNOBACKUPWARNING}" => $warning, "{#BPCMAXERROR}" => $errors, "{#BPCSTATUS}" => $status, "{#BPC_TOO_BIG_FACTOR}" => $sizeTooBigFactor, "{#BPC_TOO_SMALL_FACTOR}" => $sizeTooSmallFactor, }; } } print to_json( $json, { pretty => $pretty } ); exit(0);