#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use File::Which; use Getopt::Long; my $json = {}; my $pool = undef; my $dataset = undef; my $sanoidsnap = undef; my $pretty = 0; GetOptions( "zpool|pool=s" => \$pool, "dataset=s" => \$dataset, "sanoidsnap" => \$sanoidsnap, "pretty" => \$pretty ); my $zpool = which('zpool'); my $zfs = which('zfs'); my $sanoid = which('sanoid'); if (not $zpool or not $zfs){ print 'ZBX_NOTSUPPOTED'; exit 0; } if ($sanoidsnap and not $sanoid){ die 'ZBX_NOTSUPPOTED'; } if (not $pool and not $dataset and not $sanoidsnap){ print <<_EOF; Usage: $0 [--zpool=|--dataset=|--sanoidsnap] _EOF exit 1; } # Value map. For Zabbix, we want 0 instead of none # We also prefer on/off represented as 1/0 as it's more efficient my $map = { 18446744073709551615 => 0, # See https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/9306 none => 0, on => 1, off => 0 }; if ($pool){ foreach (qx($zpool get all $pool -p -H)){ chomp; my @parse = split /\t+/, $_; $json->{$parse[1]} = (defined $map->{$parse[2]}) ? $map->{$parse[2]} : $parse[2]; $json->{errors} = get_zpool_errors($pool); $json->{stats} = get_zpool_stats($pool); } } elsif ($dataset){ # Convert %40 back to @ (we send them as %40 in the discovery because @ is not allowed in item keys $dataset =~ s/%40/\@/g; foreach (qx($zfs get all $dataset -p -H)){ chomp; my @parse = split /\t+/, $_; $json->{$parse[1]} = (defined $map->{$parse[2]}) ? $map->{$parse[2]} : $parse[2]; } } elsif ($sanoidsnap){ print qx($sanoid --monitor-snapshot); exit 0; } print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty }) . "\n"; exit 0; sub get_zpool_errors { my $pool = shift; my $errors = { read_errors => 0, write_errors => 0, cksum_errors => 0 }; my $i = 0; my $index = {}; foreach my $line (qx($zpool status -p $pool)){ # Output looks like # pool: rpool # state: ONLINE # status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error. An # attempt was made to correct the error. Applications are unaffected. # action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors # using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'. # see: http://zfsonlinux.org/msg/ZFS-8000-9P # scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0h5m with 0 errors on Tue May 29 10:04:31 2018 # config: # # NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM # rpool ONLINE 0 0 0 # mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 # sda2 ONLINE 0 0 0 # sdb2 ONLINE 0 0 474 # # errors: No known data errors # We want to save status, action, scan and errors if ($line =~ m/^\s*(scan|action|status|errors):\s+(\w+.*)/){ $errors->{$1} = $2; $index->{$i} = $1; } elsif ($line !~ /:/ and defined $index->{$i-1}){ # Here, we reconstitute multiline values (like status and action) chomp($line); $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; $errors->{$index->{$i-1}} .= $line; } elsif ($line =~ m/\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\s+[A-Z]+\s+(?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(?\d+(\.\d+)?)/){ # And here, we count the number of read, write and checksum errors $errors->{read_errors} += $+{'read'}; $errors->{write_errors} += $+{'write'}; $errors->{cksum_errors} += $+{'cksum'}; } $i++; } # Ensure evey item returns something $errors->{$_} ||= '' foreach (qw(scan action status errors)); return $errors; } sub get_zpool_stats { my $pool = shift; my $stats = {}; return $stats unless (-e "/proc/spl/kstat/zfs/$pool/io"); open STAT, "){ if (m/^(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)/){ $stats->{$_} = $+{$_} foreach (keys %+); } } close STAT; return $stats; }