2020-10-20 18:18:17 +02:00

126 lines
3.2 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Which;
my $json = {};
my $mpath = undef;
my $help = 0;
my $pretty = 0;
"mpath=s" => \$mpath,
"help" => \$help,
"pretty" => \$pretty
my $multipathd = which('multipathd');
if (not defined $multipathd){
exit 1;
if ($help or not defined $mpath){
print <<_EOF;
Usage : $0 --mpath=<name of the mpath device> [--pretty]
* --mpath : the name of the device to check
* --pretty : output pretty JSON, easier to read for humans
* --help : display this help
exit 2;
$json = {
mpath => $mpath,
size => 0,
dm_st => 'unknown',
features => '',
failures => 0,
path_failures => 0,
paths_num_total => 0,
paths_num_ko => 0,
paths_num_active => 0,
paths_num_inactive => 0,
paths_details => [],
paths_with_issue => [],
errors => []
my @res = qx($multipathd show maps raw format "%n|%N|%S|%f|%t|%x|%0");
if ($? != 0){
push @{$json->{errors}}, "Failed to run multipathd show maps raw format";
foreach (@res){
next if $_ !~ /^$mpath\|/;
(undef, $json->{paths_num_total}, $json->{size}, $json->{features},
$json->{dm_st}, $json->{failures}, $json->{path_failures}) = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_);
# Cast to int
foreach (qw(failures path_failures paths_num_total)){
$json->{$_} = 0 + $json->{$_};
# Convert size to bytes
my $unit = chop $json->{size};
if ($unit eq 'K'){
$json->{size} *= 1024;
} elsif ($unit eq 'M'){
$json->{size} *= 1024 * 1024;
} elsif ($unit eq 'G'){
$json->{size} *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} elsif ($unit eq 'T'){
$json->{size} *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} elsif ($unit eq 'P'){
$json->{size} *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
# No need to process the other mpath here
# Now check status of every path
@res = qx($multipathd show paths format "%m|%d|%t|%o|%T|%0|%z");
if ($? != 0){
push @{$json->{errors}}, "Failed to run multipathd show paths format";
# Skip header line
shift @res;
foreach (@res){
next if $_ !~ /^$mpath\|/;
my (undef, $dev, $dm_st, $dev_st, $chk_st, $failures, $serial) = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_);
push @{$json->{paths_details}}, {
dev => $dev,
dm_st => $dm_st,
dev_st => $dev_st,
chk_st => $chk_st,
failures => $failures + 0,
serial => $serial
if ($dm_st eq 'active'){
$json->{paths_num_active} += 1;
if ($dev_st ne 'running'){
$json->{paths_num_ko} += 1;
push @{$json->{paths_with_issue}}, $dev;
push @{$json->{errors}}, "dev $dev is not running";
} elsif ($chk_st ne 'ready' or $failures > 0){
$json->{paths_num_ko} += 1;
push @{$json->{paths_with_issue}}, $dev;
push @{$json->{errors}}, "dev $dev is not active";
} else {
$json->{paths_num_ok} += 1;
} else {
$json->{paths_num_inactive} += 1;
# We want easy usage from zabbix, so turn thos ones to strings
$json->{paths_with_issue} = join(',', @{$json->{paths_with_issue}});
$json->{errors} = join(',', @{$json->{errors}});
print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });
exit 0;