
114 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
uninstallkey = []
variables = {
'glpi_inv_servers': [ 'https://glpi.lan.local/front/inventory.php' ]
# Read local variables file if available
if isfile(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','symetric.txt')) and isfile(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','variables.txt')):
print('Reading local encrypted variables file')
2018-12-20 13:15:42 +01:00
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import yaml
f = Fernet(bytes(open(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','symetric.txt'),'r').read(), 'utf-8'))
variables.update(yaml.safe_load(f.decrypt(bytes(open(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','variables.txt'),'r').read(), 'utf-8'))))
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
def install():
props = {
'HTTPD_IP': '',
'NO_P2P': '1',
'RUNNOW': '1'
if 'glpi_inv_servers' in variables:
2023-03-27 14:44:48 +02:00
if isinstance(variables['glpi_inv_servers'], str):
print('Found servers %s in settings' % variables['glpi_inv_servers'])
props['SERVER'] = variables['glpi_inv_servers']
elif isinstance(variables['glpi_inv_servers'], list):
print('Found servers %s in settings' % (','.join(variables['glpi_inv_servers'])))
props['SERVER'] = ','.join(variables['glpi_inv_servers'])
if 'glpi_inv_user' in variables and 'glpi_inv_pass' in variables:
2023-03-27 14:44:48 +02:00
print('Found user %s in settings' % variables['glpi_inv_user'])
props['USER'] = variables['glpi_inv_user']
props['PASSWORD'] = variables['glpi_inv_pass']
2018-11-29 18:09:32 +01:00
print('Installing GLPI Agent')
version = control['version'].split('-',1)[0]
2018-11-29 18:09:32 +01:00
if iswin64():
msi = 'GLPI-Agent-%s-x64.msi' % version
2018-11-29 18:09:32 +01:00
msi = 'GLPI-Agent-%s-x86.msi' % version
def update_package():
print('Updating GLPI Agent package')
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
import requests,json
from waptpackage import PackageEntry
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
latest = json.loads(requests.get('https://api.github.com/repos/glpi-project/glpi-agent/releases/latest').text.encode('utf-8'))
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
version = latest['tag_name']
print('Last version is %s' % version)
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
pe = PackageEntry();
control = pe.load_control_from_wapt('.')
2019-07-02 17:19:23 +02:00
bin_found = []
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
for arch in ['86','64']:
for asset in latest['assets']:
if asset['name'] == 'GLPI-Agent-%s-x%s.msi' % (version, arch) and not isfile('GLPI-Agent-%s-x%s.msi' % (version, arch)):
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
url = asset['browser_download_url']
print('Downloading GLPI Agent %s for x%s from %s' % (version, arch ,url))
wget(url,'GLPI-Agent-%s-x%s.msi' % (version, arch))
2019-07-02 17:19:23 +02:00
for file in glob.glob('GLPI-Agent*%s*.msi' % arch):
if file != 'GLPI-Agent-x%s-%s.msi' % (arch, version) and file != 'GLPI-Agent-%s-x%s.msi' % (version, arch):
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
print('Removing %s' % file)
2019-07-02 17:19:23 +02:00
if Version(version) > Version(control['version'].split('-',1)[0]) and '86' in bin_found and '64' in bin_found:
2019-04-17 18:45:43 +02:00
print('Updating control file with new version %s' % version)
pe.version = version + '-0'
pe.maturity = 'PREPROD'
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
def audit():
if not registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'server'):
print(r"key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GLPI-Agent\server doesn't exist")
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
return "ERROR"
val_server = registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'server')
2023-03-27 14:44:48 +02:00
if 'fusinv_servers' in variables:
if isinstance(variables['fusinv_servers'], str):
if val_server != variables['fusinv_servers']:
print("server config is not %, it's % instead" % (variables['fusinv_servers'], val_server) )
return "WARNING"
elif isinstance(variables['fusinv_servers'], list):
if val_server != ','.join(variables['fusinv_servers']) :
print("server config is not %, it's % instead" % (','.join(variables['fusinv_servers']), val_server) )
return "WARNING"
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
if 'fusinv_user' in variables and 'fusinv_pass' in variables:
if not registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'user'):
print(r"key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GLPI-Agent\user doesn't exist")
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
return "ERROR"
val_user = registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'user')
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
if val_user != variables['fusinv_user'] :
print("user config is not %s, it's %s instead" % (variables['fusinv_user'],val_user) )
return "WARNING"
if not registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'password'):
print(r"key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GLPI-Agent\password doesn't exist")
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
return "ERROR"
val_pass = registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','GLPI-Agent'),'password')
2018-12-04 15:44:38 +01:00
if val_pass != variables['fusinv_pass'] :
print("password doesn't match what's set")
return "WARNING"
return "OK"
if __name__ == '__main__':