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2018-12-06 13:04:56 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
2018-12-14 11:58:19 +01:00
import os
2018-12-06 13:04:56 +01:00
uninstallkey = []
def install():
print('Installing Apple iTunes')
msi = 'iTunes64.msi' if iswin64() else 'iTunes.msi'
run(r'msiexec /qn /norestart /i%s SCHEDULE_ASUW=0' % msi,accept_returncodes=[0,3010])
for soft in installed_softwares('iTunes'):
# Only check for the exact name. Eg, not iTunes Awsome Addon
if soft['name'] == 'iTunes':
uninstallkey = soft['key']
# Disable auto updates, using the parental control
with reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,r'SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default',sam=KEY_WRITE,create_if_missing=True) as reg_key:
reg_setvalue(reg_key, 'AdminFlags', 257, REG_DWORD)
# Remove desktop shortcut
def uninstall():
print('Uninstalling Apple iTunes')
for soft in installed_softwares('iTunes'):
if soft['name'] == 'iTunes':
run(r'msiexec /qn /norestart /x%s' % soft['key'])
2018-12-14 11:58:19 +01:00
def update_package():
print('Updating iTunes package')
for arch in ['32','64']:
url = 'https://www.apple.com/itunes/download/win%s' % arch
filename = makepath('temp', 'itunes%s' % arch)
if not isfile(filename):
print('Downloading %s' % url)
print('Extracting %s' % filename)
run('"%s" e -y -o"%s" %s' % (makepath(programfiles,'7-Zip','7z.exe'),makepath('temp',arch),filename))
version = get_msi_properties(makepath('temp','64','iTunes64.msi'))['ProductVersion']
print('Downloaded version is %s' % version)
pe = PackageEntry();
control = pe.load_control_from_wapt('.')
if Version(version) > Version(control['version'].split('-',1)[0]):
print('New iTunes version %s' % version)
pe.version = version + '-0'
print('Removing temp files')
2018-12-06 13:04:56 +01:00
def audit():
is_installed = False
for soft in installed_softwares('iTunes'):
is_installed = True
if is_installed == False :
print('iTunes is not installed')
return "ERROR"
parental_control = registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,r'SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default','AdminFlags')
if not parental_control:
print('Parental control is not enabled')
return "WARNING"
elif int(parental_control) != 257:
print('Parental control settings is not 257 as expected')
return "WARNING"
return "OK"