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2020-05-14 23:29:41 +02:00
`Wordpress <https://wordpress.org/>`__ is a famous tool to create
A lot of authentication plugins are available. We propose here to use
CAS protocol and `WP
Cassify <https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cassify/>`__ plugin.
Plugin installation
Go in Wordpress admin and install `WP
Cassify <https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cassify/>`__ plugin.
Plugin configuration
The full documentation is available on https://wpcassify.wordpress.com/
General settings
Configure CAS server and CAS version:
- CAS Server base url : https://auth.example.com/cas/
- CAS Version protocol: 2
Other options are correct by default.
User Roles Settings
You can assign WP Roles depending on values sent by CAS.
The rules syntax is quite special, you can use it or you can just define
macros on LL::NG side and send them trough CAS to keep simple rules on
WP side.
For example create a macro ``role_wordpress_admin`` which contains ``1``
if the user is admin on WP, and send it in CAS attributes.
Then create this rule on WP side:
administrator|(CAS{role_wordpress_admin} -EQ "1")
.. |image0| image:: /applications/wordpress_logo.png
:class: align-center