
LemonLDAP::NG is a modular WebSSO (Single Sign On) based on Apache::Session modules. It simplifies the build of a protected area with a few changes in the application.

It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection for your web space as described below.


Main components


We call “database” a backend where we can read or write a data. This can be a file, an LDAP directory, …

We split databases in two categories:

Main external databases are:

Main internal databases are:



  1. User tries to access protected application, his request is catched by Handler
  2. SSO cookies is not detected, so Handler redirects user to Portal
  3. User authenticates on Portal
  4. Portal checks authentication
  5. If authentication succeed, Portal collect user data
  6. Portal creates a session to store user data
  7. Portal gets the session key
  8. Portal creates SSO cookies with session key as value
  9. User is redirected on protected application, with his new cookie
  10. Handler gets session get from cookie and gets session
  11. Handler stores user data in its cache
  12. Handler check access rule and send headers to protected applications
  13. Protected application sends response to Handler
  14. Handler sends the response to user

Handler will then check SSO cookies for each HTTP request.


Default use case:

  1. User clicks on the logout link in Portal
  2. Portal destroys session and redirects user on itself with an empty SSO cookies
  3. User is redirected on portal and his SSO cookies is empty

LemonLDAP::NG is also able to catch logout request on protected applications, with different behavior:

After logout process, the user is redirected on portal, or on a configured URL.

Session expiration

The session expires after 20 hours by default.

  • Handlers have a session cache, with a default lifetime of 10 minutes. So for Handler on different physical servers than the Portal, a user with an expired session can still be authorized still the cache expires.
  • Sessions are deleted by a scheduled task. Don't forget to install cron files !

Cross Domain Authentication (CDA)

For security reason, a cookie provided for a domain cannot be sent to another domain. To extend SSO on several domains, a cross-domain mechanism is implemented in LemonLDAP::NG.

  1. User owns SSO cookies on the main domain (see Login kinematics)
  2. User tries to access a protected application in a different domain
  3. Handler does not see SSO cookies (because it is not in main domain) and redirects user on Portal
  4. Portal recognizes the user with its SSO cookies, and see he is coming from a different domain
  5. Portal redirects user on protected application with his session ID as URL parameter
  6. Handler detects URL parameter and create a SSO cookies on its domain, with session ID as value

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) mechanisms


If a user is not authenticated and attempts to connect to an area protected by a LemonLDAP::NG compatible Handler, he is redirected to a portal.

Authentication process main steps are:

LemonLDAP::NG SSO cookies are generated by Apache::Session, they are as secure as a 128-bit random cookie. You may use the securedCookie options to avoid session hijacking. (since version 1.4.0 you can use SHA256 for generating safer cookies)


Authorization is controlled only by Handlers. An authorization is defined by:

Authorizations are defined inside a virtualhost and takes effect only on it. There are no global authorizations except the right to open a session in the portal.

Access rules values can be:

Some examples:

\b means start or end of a word in PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)

See Writing rules and headers chapter.


Logging portal access

Portal produce a notice message in Apache logs or syslog when a user authenticates (or fails to authenticate) and logs out.

Logging application access

Handler inform Apache of connected user (parameter whatToTrace), so you can see user login in Apache access logs.

The real accounting has to be done by the application itself since SSO logs can not understand transactions.

LemonLDAP::NG can export HTTP headers either using a proxy or protecting directly the application.

An HTTP header is defined by:

Headers are defined inside a virtualhost and takes effect only on it. There are no global headers.

The header value is a Perl expression, returning a string.

Some examples:

See Writing rules and headers for more.