2015-12-13 07:25:37 +00:00

1.1 KiB

#End 2 End Testing (Protractor) To run the end-2-end tests against the application you use Protractor.

Testing with Protractor

As a one-time setup, download webdriver.

npm run update-webdriver

Start the Protractor test runner using the e2e configuration:

make e2e_test

Devel tips

  locator_:  {
    using: 'css selector',
    value: '[ng-click="getLanguage(lang)"]'
  parentElementFinder_: null,
  opt_actionResult_: {
    then: [Function: then],
    cancel: [Function: cancel],
    isPending: [Function: isPending]
  opt_index_: 1,
  click: [Function],
  sendKeys: [Function],
  getTagName: [Function],
  getCssValue: [Function],
  getAttribute: [Function],
  getText: [Function],
  getSize: [Function],
  getLocation: [Function],
  isEnabled: [Function],
  isSelected: [Function],
  submit: [Function],
  clear: [Function],
  isDisplayed: [Function],
  getOuterHtml: [Function],
  getInnerHtml: [Function],
  toWireValue: [Function]