
2.2 KiB

Lemonldap::NG::Manager REST API


  • List of available configuration: /confs
  • Last configuration number: /confs/latest/cfgNum
  • Configuration metadatas: /confs/<cfgNum|latest>
  • Key value: /confs/<cfgNum|latest>/<key>
  • Full configuration (for saving): /confs/<cfgNum|latest>?full


  • /confs/latest/portal
  • /confs/184/portal
  • /confs/184/virtualHosts/test1.example.com/locationRules

Available verbs:

  • GET: see above
  • POST /confs: push a new configuration (or a saved one) POST /confs?force=yes: push a new configuration even if another has been posted before
  • DELETE /confs/<cfgNum>: not allowed, administrator has to push an older with ?force=yes

And perhaps:

  • PUT /confs/prepared/<key>: modify a value in the future configuration
  • DELETE /confs/prepared/<path>/<key>: delete a hash entry (virtual host for example)
  • GET /confs/prepared/<key>: get value from prepared configuration if exists, get current value otherwise


  • Sessions list: /sessions
  • Session: /sessions/<hash>
  • TODO: Session key: /sessions/<hash>/<key>
  • Delete session: DELETE /sessions/<hash>
  • Filters:
    • All connected users which username start by a letter: /sessions?_whatToTrace=<letter>*&groupBy=_whatToTrace
    • User's sessions: /sessions?_whatToTrace=foo.bar
    • IP's sessions: /sessions?ip=
    • Double sessions by IP: /sessions?doubleIP
  • Group by:
    • First letter of Connected users: /sessions?groupBy=substr(_whatToTrace,1)
  • Order:
    • Sessions sorted by user: /sessions?orderBy=_whatToTrace

Note that sessions are grouped automaticaly.


  • Notifications list: /notifications/actives
  • Notification: /notifications/actives/<notif_id>
  • Notified elements list: /notifications/done
  • Notified element: /notifications/done/<notif_id>
  • New session: POST /notifications
  • Filters:
    • All notifications for users which name starts by a letter: /notifications?_whatToTrace=<letter>*&groupBy=_whatToTrace
    • User's notifications: /notifications/(actives|done)?_whatToTrace=foo.bar
  • Mark as notified: PUT /notifications/actives/<notif_id> done=1
  • Delete notofication: DELETE /notifications/done/<notif_id>